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Detailed design report of coastal protection works at Seberang Takir, Terengganu
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Detailed design, construction supervision and commisioning of drainage, flood mitigation, river mouth improvement and associated works for Sg. Setiu - Hydrology & Hydraulic report.
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Detailed design, construction supervision and commisioning of drainage, flood mitigation, river mouth improvement and associated works for Sg. Setiu - Interim report III.
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Development of decisison support system (ISM-DSS) for the integrated shoreline management of the northern Pahang Coastline
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Development of decisison support system (ISM-DSS) for the integrated shoreline management of the northern Pahang Coastline
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DID Manual - Volume 5 - Irrigation and agricultural grainage / Volume 6 - Geotechnical manual, site investigation and engineering survey / Volume 7 - Engineering modelling / Volume 8 - Mechanical and electrical services
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Directory of institution and scientists in the ASEAN region involved in research and/or management related to coastal areas
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Draft report for discussion at first meeting of the UNEP East Asian Seas Task Team on climatic change implication, Singapore
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Draft report for discussion at first meeting of the UNEP East Asian Seas Task Team on climatic change implication, Singapore
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Draft review report, annexe volume, coastal defence works, Butterworth, Malaysia
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